6 Questions to Consider When Choosing a Dentist

6 Questions to Consider When Choosing a Dentist

Choosing a dentist for yourself and your family is a big decision. It is a decision of trusting an authorized personnel to take care and advise you with your oral health, influence financial decisions, and lookout for your overall well being. When choosing a Dentist, you need to select someone who you can trust for their professional knowledge and expertise, as well as their ability to build a personal relationship.

These are 6 Key Factors to Consider when Choosing a Dentist:

  1. What Areas do you Specialize in?
    Individuals who become Dentist generally share the same extent of educational skill and knowledge. However, Dentists may further specialize in different areas of focus through continued education. Different routes of specialized education allow Dentist to have advanced expertise in treating certain conditions or performing certain treatments. When meeting with a Dentist, ask them if they have any specialization.
  2. Do you take X-Rays when necessary?
    This question can help identify the measure of care that a Dentist will take when ruling our certain diagnosis. You should be able to develop an open and honest relationship with your health care professionals, and this is a question that can help determine the quality of care that your dental provider will offer.
  3. Will you Give me Recommendations in Writing?
    Your dental care provider should never unauthentically push you towards agreeing to certain procedures. Asking for recommendations in writing demonstrates if your Dentist is comfortable with allowing you to go home and review and think about their recommendations. It also shows whether or not your potential Dentist is comfortable with you going to another medical provider to research or get a second opinion.
  4. Do you Offer Second Opinions?
    This question clearly showcases the level of honest and trust that you can develop with your potential Dentist. If a Dentist is confident in his or her recommendations and also honest with their patients, they should have no hesitancy to encourage their patients to ask for second opinions.
  5. Can you Provide References?
    These can be references from either current patients or other health care professionals such as dental specialists, medical doctors, or pharmacists. References can help you gauge the level of satisfaction and type of relationship with patients, as well as reputations and relationships in the health care industry.
  6. Do you have Payment Plans or Direct Billing Insurance?
    Dental care and maintaining your oral health can become a financial challenge for some individuals. Ask your potential Dentist what options they offer to help mitigate the financial stresses for their patients.

Always remember that a relationship with your Dental provider should be a two-way street with a mutual understanding of trust.

Feel free to book a consultation meeting with any of our Dentists at Signal Hill Dental Centre as we would be more than happy to meet with you and answer any of your questions!