Are Blood Clots Healthy After a Tooth Extraction?

Are Blood Clots Healthy After a Tooth Extraction?

After two weeks of a tooth extraction, the gums should be have healed. After removing a tooth, your dentist will usually instruct you to bite hard on a piece of gauze placed over the area. Pressure stops the bleeding and helps to form the clot. This blog clot is your body’s natural way of healing; without it, healing would take significantly longer.

It is important to try and not disturb the blood clot when cleaning the area, or when eating. Too much irritation in the area can cause what is called a “dry socket”, where the clot is unable to form and may cause pain.

Other factors that can affect and reduce the speed of healing are smoking and alcohol consumption. These activities should be avoided for several days after the tooth is removed. Infection caused by bacteria left during extraction of the tooth can aggravate healing and is often painful.

If you have any question about the healing process of a tooth extraction process, just ask your dentist at Signal Hill Dental Centre, as they would be more than happy to answer any concerns.