Black and Green Tea Boost Oral Health

Black and Green Tea Boost Oral Health

Tea is a fantastic treat for your taste buds and of course refreshing for your senses. But it’s a little known fact that drinking tea also helps in keeping bacteria, gum diseases and cavities at bay.

Black Tea Wards Off Tooth Decay and Plaque Build Up

Studies suggest that black tea helped prevent two sorts of bacteria – Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus that augment tooth decay and gum disease, a major reason behind tooth loss. Courtesy- Polyphenols, a vital compound found in black tea that reduces plaque build up and bacteria levels by 30%. Besides inhibiting the growth of bacteria causing plaque, tannins present in black tea also protect against the action of salivary amylas- a major cause behind cavity problems.

Including black tea into your daily intake combined with some healthy practices can do your teeth a world of good. Black tea not only curbs the growth of pathogens, but also protects against bad breath. It combats Glucosyltranferase- another bacterial enzyme that converts sugars into a viscous matrix material, plaque uses to adhere to teeth.

Green Tea- Benefits Galore To Oral Health

There are several reasons why dentists recommend green tea. A research from 1998 suggested that the extracts in green tea snuff out different types of bacteria. Besides, they also increase the acid resistance of tooth enamel, concluded an earlier study. The extracts found in green tea help augment the acid resistance of tooth enamel which keeps your teeth shiny and healthy. It also contains compounds that help prevent inflammation too.

Green tea lowers the chances of oral cancer and boosts oral health in many other ways- from fighting bacteria to keeping bad breath at bay. Epigallocatechin Gallate aka EGCg, a catechin found in green tea helps reduce acid production in dental plaque and periodontal breakdowns.

It’s very important to bear in mind that less processed green tea offers more benefits, by virtue of the natural qualities it retains.

How does nutrition impact my oral health?

Our team of dentists at Signal Hill Dental Centre firmly believes that everyone deserves to cherish a good oral health. We are committed to provide you and your family compassionate and quality dental care including family dentistry, senior dentistry and pediatric dentistry. So, if you have any questions about how nutrition impacts your oral health or looking to know more about healthy oral practices, please feel free to contact our dental clinic and our specialists will be more than happy to acknowledge your concerns.