Botox as a Dental Procedure

We associate Botox with the procedure that involves injecting the face to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, making them far less noticeable.

Many people, men and women, undergo the treatment that offers temporary respite from wrinkles around the eyes and across the forehead that they are conscious of or find unsightly.

Often referred to as a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, Botox has other uses too. It is a procedure increasingly used for medical reasons.

For example, people who suffer from hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating – find relief with Botox injection. Injected into the armpit, excessive sweating is temporarily controlled.

Botox injections are also being trialled as a means of helping patients who suffer from crippling and blinding migraines.

It is also a procedure that is used to treat some dental problems too. But what is Botox and how does it work?

botox for tmj or tmdWhat is Botox?

Botox is a trade name for botulinum toxin, a purified protein that can be used to treat dental issues, medical problems and cosmetic concerns.

The protein, when injected into the area of the body being treated, inhibits nerve transmissions, the messages that are given to the nerves by the muscles. This ‘lack of communication’ means that the muscles cannot contract, preventing movement in the area injected.

This leads to smoother skin, as wrinkles and lines are smoothed away as both muscles and nerves relax. This is not permanent, with the effects of Botox lasting around three to four months, depending on the application.

Botox for Dental Problems

Botox is being used in a range of medical and dental applications. This is why dental practices are increasingly offering Botox services to deal with problems such as;

  • Teeth Grinding and Clenching

Do you grind or clench your teeth at night?

Bruxism is when a patient ‘chews’ with their teeth, even though there is no food present. This happens for various reasons but can be your body’s reaction to stress, as well as something you do in your sleep.

It is a harsh, grinding movement and one that will eventually cause serious damage to your mouth and jaw. Your dentist may recommend tooth restoration and other remedial work. But the issue of clenching and grinding your teeth also needs to be tackled.

One solution to nighttime grinding is to wear a mouthguard. For daytime clenching, you may need to make a conscious effort to relax your jaw.

Another solution is to consider the use of Botox. Injected into the jaw muscles, it relaxes the muscles, reducing the powerful force of the muscle leading to less or even eliminating teeth grinding and clenching completely.

  • Treatment for TMD

The temporomandibular joint is the hinge that connects your jaw bone to the skull and is found in front of the ears. It allows you to move your jaw up and down, for example when you yawn, talk or chew.

Problems with this joint are known as temporomandibular disorders or TMD. No one knows what causes TMD but some people find they clench their teeth when they are stressed. If they continue to do this, it can lead to TMD. Symptoms vary but it can lead to headaches and excruciating pain in the face and/or the jaw.

Botox relaxes the muscles and the jaw, helping to prevent face pain and headaches.

Dental Botox with Signal Hill Dental Centre

We are licensed to provide dental Botox for relief from Bruxism and TMD. For more information, contact us for an appointment.