Alberta Flood 2013: Food Bank Donations

Alberta Flood 2013: Food Bank Donations

Calgary SW DentistSignal Hill Dental Centre has organized a fund-raising donation matching for the Calgary Food Bank

Calgary has been hit quite hard with the recent flooding. Families have been displaced and uprooted. At times like this, our clinic believes in the power of community and people pulling together to help one another out. We are proud of Calgary and the people who have given their time and resources volunteering to help with the recovery efforts.

Signal Hill Dental Centre hopes to encourage donations to a facility that helps countless people in need every day. The Calgary Food Bank is especially under a lot of pressure during these difficult flood-recovery times, and we pledge to match all donations to the Calgary Food Bank up to a total of $5000.00. That is… if we hit the goal a total of $10,000.00 would be given!

Let’s do it together Calgary.

Simply click HERE to make a fast and secure donation:

Donation progress can be tracked on our Facebook page.