Safety Steps Our Clinic is Taking Against Covid-19

Safety Steps Our Clinic is Taking Against Covid-19

As of May 4th, 2020 our clinic is open and we are happy to once again be treating our patients. All appointments will be processed through a pre-screen phone call prior to booking as well as additional steps prior to the actual appointment.

Continuing to follow preventative measures to reduce risk and prevent the spread of Covid-19, we have made a few changes within the clinic and appointment procedures:

1. Reduced amount of appointment bookings and staff

For the time being, we will be booking fewer appointments and staffing at lower levels to ensure that there is manageable space within the clinic, for as much safe social distancing as possible.

2. Patient and daily staff assessments

All patients will be processed through a phone and online form assessment prior to being booked in for an appointment. Assessments will ensure we are reducing or eliminating any chance or welcoming risk into the clinic. The assessment includes verification of no Covid symptoms, no travel or exposure to personnel infected with Covid, no positive or pending tests for Covid, and more. If you would like to view all the topics and concerns that are addressed, you may view the online assessment form here.

All staff members are also required to complete and pass an online assessment prior to coming in for a shift. You may also view the staff assessment form here.

3. IN OFFICE AIR filtration

We have now installed a JADE Air Purifier by Surgically Clean Air in every patient room. These are one of the world’s most advanced medical grade air filtration systems that:

• Removes dust and pollen that affects allergies
• Kills germs and viruses that make people sick
• Eliminates odors and VOCs that irritate people
• Re-energizes stale indoor air to make breathing easier
• Circulates and cleans the air in several cycles throughout the day

The multi stage filtration system captures dust particles, pollen, volatile organic chemicals, mold, allergens, viruses, odors, and many other pollutants that are found in the inside air in workplaces and residences.


• Front Desk Contact: A plexiglass barrier is now installed between our front desk team and all patients.

• Billing: Upon booking, we will gather and update your billing information to encourage ‘touchless billing’ as much as possible.

5. Appointment Day procedure Changes

To regulate and reduce any risk, we will be requesting for all of our patients to following these precautionary steps on the day of your appointment:

  1. Waiting: When you arrive, please wait outside or in your vehicle and call us to let us know you have arrived. This helps us with maintaining social distancing if you’re early for your appointment.
  2. Staff Preparedness: Our team will be wearing enhanced PPE and following enhanced sanitization procedures. Enhanced PPE includes lab coats, gowns, and face masks.  Please know that our entire team is doing daily screenings and temperature checks prior to arriving to work. We are following all required guidelines from the Alberta Dental Association and Alberta Health Services as well as implementing additional safety measures.
  3. Patient Preparedness: When we are prepared to bring you into the treatment room, one of our team members will open the door to greet you and welcome you to the office.  You will have your temperature taken via a contactless thermometer and you will be provided with hand sanitizer and be given a mask to place over your face prior to being seated.
  4. Treatment: After being taken into the treatment room you will be asked to use a pre-rinse to rinse your mouth before examination or treatment. After every patient treatment, all surfaces will be cleaned with anti microbial wipes.
  5. Appointment Completion: At the conclusion of your appointment, your mask will be placed again and will be worn until you have exited the clinic.  Please dispose of the mask appropriately, there is a garbage can located directly outside of the clinic.

6. Continued sanitization processes

Our steps for safety and sanitization of tools and equipments has always been a top priority, even prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, so continues to be today as well. Not only do we have top-of-the-line equipment for sanitization, but we also have top-of-the-line technologies for scheduling and systemizing, to ensure consistency and reduce any potential human-error.

The health of our patients is our absolute priority, and that goes beyond oral health. We are taking all possible measures to maintain your health and safety for your next visit so you can still address your dental needs with peace of mind.

If there are any hesitancies or concerns that you have, please do mention them to our team at any point. We want to ensure that everyone feels safe.


(403) 246-3663

Our office hours for emergency procedure will be:
Monday to Friday, from 9:00AM – 3:00PM