Crowns vs Veneers

Calgary SW DentistTeeth are the first thing people tend to notice, and a perfect smile can transform a face and brighten an appearance no end.

To achieve the most perfect front teeth, your dentist may offer veneers or crowns. This will correct misshapen, chipped and out of line teeth. Both of these procedures require some of the natural tooth to be removed, to the new tooth to be placed on top of the natural tooth. You may have just one tooth treated with these, or a full set, depending on your needs and the health of the tooth.

The teeth will be perfectly straight and often, some teeth whitening of your natural teeth given before the treatment. This is so that the new teeth will be ordered in the same shade to match your natural teeth.

Let’s take a good look at Veneers versus Crowns to see the differences in these two dental treatments:


Veneers are given to patients in order to improve the colour, shape, position and condition of the teeth and can correct chipped teeth too.

The veneer is made of porcelain only, which is safe for the teeth and builds good strength as it is fitted and bonded to the frontal surface of the natural tooth. Just like acrylic nails, these are fitted to real nails.

Veneers are strong and can last for many years with no issues if taken care of correctly.


Crowns are also fitted to patients who need to improve the shape colour and placement of teeth. They are the option your dentist will give you if your teeth are not very strong or are too badly chipped for a veneer.

A crown can be made from many materials including:

• metal
• porcelain fused to metal
• all ceramic
• all porcelain
• all resin

The materials vary depending on need and pricing. Our team of dentists would be happy to discuss at one of your consultations before the appointment when the crowns will be fitted.

The major difference here is that your dentist will work around the tooth, trimming it 360 degrees all the way around. You will be given temporary crowns whilst the dentist sends off an impression of your trimmed teeth to have the new teeth made in the form of a crown that best fits your tooth.

The crown encases the whole tooth and fits it completely like, well, a crown on a king. It strengthens the tooth, protects it from decay and damage and gives a better appearance with a perfect finish.

The differences between the two

The main differences between veneers and crowns are the amount of tooth that is trimmed before fitting and the relevant pricing. Veneers tend to be more expensive than crowns depending on the materials chosen as veneers only come in one material which is the most expensive option.

But the crowns tend to fall out more regularly than breaking a veneer so veneers can typically last longer in terms of getting value for money.

To book a consultation and find out more about which option is best suited to your teeth please visit our appointment page or call: +1 (403) 246 3663