Enjoy some Valentines Sweets while keeping good Oral Health

Enjoy some Valentines Sweets while keeping good Oral Health

As we are already in February, we all know what sweet occasion is right around the corner. It’s always a heartwarming feeling to have someone express their love with a delicious box of chocolates or a handful of adorable candy hearts. But before you go candy-happy in the shopping aisle for all your Valentine’s sweets, take a few notes in mind to ensure that your gifts will do minimum damage on the oral health of your sweetheart.

When the bacteria in your mouth come in contact with sugar, acid is produced and attacks your teeth for at least 20 minutes. This bacteria thrives off of sweets and is one of causes to cavities or tooth decay. When this happens, the tooth structure can affect bot the enamel and the inner layer of the tooth.

To avoid letting that happen, here are a few tips from the Signal Hill Dental Team:

  • Avoid candies that are sticky
  • Avoid candies that dissolve slowly
  • Try to stay away from candies that are sucked, like lollipops, hard candies, toffee, taffee


If you do decide to spoil yourself or your partner for the occasion, just remember to drink some water after having some sweets.

And of course, if these tips have got you stuck for Valentine’s gift ideas…Roses are something that will keep your partner smiling for a long time!