Introducing Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) to signal hill dental centre

Introducing Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) to signal hill dental centre

The team at Signal Hill Dental Centre is thrilled to be able to introduce our latest service, Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) to our patients and community! This Swiss-made technology and method of cleaning provides a new dental experience that is not only pleasant to be treated with, but highly effective for maintaining your overall health.

There are many who dread coming for their regular hygiene appointments, whether that be from traumatic past experiences, wanting to avoid general discomfort, or simply the amount of time it takes from their schedule. With the addition of our new EMS Airflow equipment GBT cleaning, you can toss those concerns out the window! GBT uses a new technology combining warm water, air, and soft cleaning powder to create a more gentle and effective way to cleaning. (Think about cleaning with a super-spray instead of traditional scraping methods)

We are proud to be one of the first clinics in Calgary (and Canada) to able to offer this in every single hygiene chair, as our new standard method of cleaning – and at no extra cost. To see how few clinics in Calgary and Canada offer it so far, click here.

The process will allow you less time in the chair in the short-run, and fewer visits to the clinic in the long-run. 

What does guided biofilm mean?

What is Biofilm?

Biofilm is a sticky and colourless film made up of bacteria that coats your teeth. When biofilm has matured and spread enough to be seen by the naked eye, that is what we know of as plaque. Biofilm is the main cause for cavities, periodontal (gum) disease, and infections. Improper care or awareness can risk leading to your bloodstream, which can increase chances of larger health issues such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers, and diabetes. 

To give you a simplified metaphor, if biofilm is like slimy algae coating a rock at the bottom of a river stream. Our goal is to remove biofilm before it can develop into anything potentially damaging to your teeth, or furthermore your bloodstream.

What does Guided Biofilm Therapy mean?

One of the first things you’ll notice that’s different during your cleaning is, your hygienist will apply a purple colored coating onto the surfaces of your teeth – this is called Discloser. The visible purple coating will reveal and highlight areas of present biofilm bacteria that will guide the cleaning.

Guided Biofilm Therapy means that we are using the visible purple colored biofilm as a guide during your cleaning. Using the EMS Airflow technology, the visible biofilm will be removed by following the GBT 8-Step process.

Want to Try GBT?

Our team is excited to offer this new hygiene treatment to all cleaning appointment starting November 13th, 2022.

Ready to give it a try? Call us to book your next cleaning appointment.

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