Implants Verses Bridges

From cosmetic dentistry to straightforward dental repairs, bridges have probably been around almost as long as dentists themselves. Implants, on the other hand, are a relatively new dental development. They are already one of the most popular and widely used solutions for a diverse range of dental issues.

Budget considerations aside, there are a few reasons why a patient may be advised to choose one option against the other. Before we investigate these, however, it may prove useful to learn something about what each of these two options actually involves.

Dental bridges

In the simplest of terms, a dental bridge does exactly as the name suggests, in so much that it forms a bridge either side of a missing tooth. The bridge is usually secured by special and permanent adhesive to the teeth either side of the one that is missing. The upshot of this method is that most bridges will be made up of at least 3 false teeth. The cost of a dental bridge work is most often based on the number of teeth it covers and replaces, so 3 is usually the minimum that will be charged out.

The teeth used to support the bridge are reshaped to allow for the new dentistry to fit tightly over them and this, of course, means that those teeth need to be in good condition prior to fitting the bridge. Dental laboratories will custom make the bridge to suit the individual using a mould taken by the dental surgeon. This means that there is likely to be a delay between when the dentist takes the mould and when the new bridge is ready to be fitted, therefore, a temporary bridge may be used to fill the gap.

Dental implants

While dental implants can often be a more costly option, they are as close to a permanent solution as the teeth they are replacing. The procedure for inserting dental implants is more involved, several sessions are involved, and there is a longer waiting period before the work can be fully completed. As with dental bridges, some of the work is done by specialists and this account’s for the higher cost.

The dentist will initially use x-rays and a detailed oral examination to ensure that the jaw and gums are healthy enough to support the work. Any obstruction such as damaged tooth matter or root material is then removed before the dentist makes a cavity to receive the base of the implant. A metal post is fitted tightly into the base several weeks later after the bone fuses around the implant. During this time a dental laboratory will create a matching tooth from a mould taken by the dentist. The tooth is then threaded onto the post forming a permanent tooth replacement.

Pros and cons

While dental bridges rely on surrounding teeth for their support, they also enclose them and that means that they are inaccessible in the event of any problems. Although implants are more expensive than dental bridges, they retain the same characteristics as single teeth and that means they don’t usually interfere or impact on the surrounding teeth as much.

There may be some rare circumstances where implants are impractical such as bone tissue issues or deformities of the mouth. On the whole, however, they are becoming increasingly popular for the replacement of single, multiple, and even whole sets of teeth.

If you want to learn more about options of dental bridges or dental implants, contact the dental experts at Signal Hill Dental Centre now!