Invisalign Or Traditional Braces- Which One’s Apt For Me?

Invisalign Or Traditional Braces- Which One’s Apt For Me?

calgary invisalign

If you are wondering which works best between traditional braces or Invisalign, you may have loads of questions. As compared to traditional braces, Invisalign has proven to be more effective at correcting crooked teeth which may create a lot of problems such as reduced self esteem, talking and eating too. 

Let’s Understand How Braces Really Work?

Usually braces have the following 3 parts

  • Brackets attached to each tooth.
  • The archwire exerting a slight force causing the teeth to move.
  • A band or bonding


How Is Invisalign Different From Traditional Braces?

18 times faster than traditional braces, Invisalign is more comfortable and less noticeable than the ‘train track’ braces of yore. A main difference between traditional braces and Invisalign lie in the way teeth are straightened and the modus operandi of application. Unlike Invisalign, traditional braces cannot be taken off during the treatment. They are removed only after the treatment is over and teeth have reached their positions. Invisalign, on the other hand can be easily taken off for daily activities such as eating. 

Invisalign is a wonderful teeth straightening method minus any wires and brackets making it particularly discreet. As the name suggests, Invisalign is less noticeable compared to traditional braces. Invisalign treatment process includes a series of computer generated and removable aligners that help straighten the teeth.

Benefits Of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces:

  • Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible making it a good choice to wear for social occasions.
  • Made of smooth plastic Invisalign aligners won’t irritate the inside of your mouth.
  • Removable aligners make it easy to eat, brush and floss as you usually do.


Here are Few More Reasons You Must Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Requirement And Lifestyle:

If you’re into playing rough contact sports or looking for a low maintenance teeth straightening method, Invisalign is the answer.


Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign on the other hand is invisible, removable and offers no problems such as food getting caught, but regular brushing is recommended to avoid staining.

Follow Up Visits:

With traditional braces on, you need to visit your orthodontist once every month, while Invisalign requires you to go for a follow up visit in every 4-6 weeks.

Invisalign Can Treat The Following Dental Problems:

An esthetic orthodontic solution, Invisalign can cure a number of critical dental problems inclusive of-

  • Overjet or Overbite
  • Mild Relapse
  • Crossbite
  • Overly Crowded teeth
  • Widely spaced teeth


Still Wonder If You’re The Right Candidate For Invisalign?

Contact our team at Signal Hill Dental Centre if you are still in a fix about whether you’re the right candidate for Invisalign treatment. We have an experienced team who design custom made series of aligners according to your requirements.