Importance of Morning Teeth Brushing

Most of us know that the ideal time to brush and floss our teeth is after every meal. However, if we are being realistic, we know that not everyone can follow this ideal practice. For that reason, the two key times to brush is in the morning and at night. Most people have a habit of brushing their teeth before bed but many people skip morning brushing and this can cause problems with their oral health. We wanted to take a moment and address the need for morning brushing and how it can affect your oral health as well as your overall health.

Get Rid of Morning Breath

Most of us have had experiences with morning breath and it is never pleasant. The best way to get rid of it is to brush as soon as you wake up. If you wait till after breakfast and the morning cup of coffee that just adds more things to the mix to make the smell worse. But the real reason brushing right after you wake up is so important is that it will clean away the bacteria that has built up on your teeth and gums overnight.

Many of us get dry mouth when we sleep and this gives the bacteria in your mouth the opportunity to multiply. This is bad because the bacteria create acidic compounds that eat away at the enamel and underlying material of the teeth. The sooner you brush your teeth in the morning, the sooner you can get rid of it. This will make it easier to protect your teeth and gums and fight off serious conditions such as cavities, gum disease, and gingivitis.

Get Rid of Germs

Brushing your teeth in the morning can also help remove any germs that you missed with the night time brushing. If you skipped the nightly brushing and went right to bed after a long day it is more important than ever that you get the brushing done ASAP in the morning. Think about all of the food and drink you consume during the course of a normal day. You put a lot of sugar, bacteria and food debris on your teeth and gums and if this is allowed to sit for too long it can cause major damage!

Morning brushings are important because they help clean away remaining particles of food and sugar molecules that have been sitting on your teeth all night long. It is important to get the food debris off your teeth and gums as often as possible so germs and other infections cannot take hold. As a regular habit, try flossing first and then brushing your teeth afterwards so any trapped particles are removed from between your teeth ad then brushed away.

Technique is Everything

When it comes to proper brushing, the length of time you spend brushing, as well as the technique you use when brushing, are very important. If you rush through the process it is not going to do your mouth any good. Hard fast brushing will leave particles behind and can cause traumatic damage to your gums. Brushing too softly or for not long enough will also not remove all the stuck-on food particles. Flossing and the use of mouthwash are also important steps in maintaining good dental care habits.

If you do not floss, you are putting yourself at risk for tartar buildup which leads to gum disease. Skimping on the mouthwash can also put you at risk as it can help wash away tiny remaining particles and also helps kill germs and strengthen your tooth enamel. There is no point in cutting corners when it comes to brushing your teeth in the morning. Spending a few extra minutes to get it done right will more than pay for itself with healthy, strong, and beautiful teeth and gums.

Contact Us Today For More Info

If you are in need of dental care, are due for your dental cleaning, or have questions about at home dental cleaning practices, contact our team at Signal Hill Dental Centre today for an appointment. We will help you see how morning brushing and dental care is an important part of the dental health puzzle you do not want to leave out!