Receding Gums

Receding Gums

A common inquiry at the office with many of our patients is “What are receding gums?” Simply put, receding gums are a result of gum disease which cause your gum line to have a receding appearance.

How are they caused

Receding gums can because caused by a number of factors. Most commonly it is because of the bacteria that accumulates in your mouth from gum disease which starts to form plaque. A build-up of this plaque causes an inflammation of the gums which leads to an erosion of the gum tissue – resulting in a receding appearance. The build-up of bacteria can occur when there is improper or insufficient flossing and brushing. A secondary reason to receding gums is overaggressive brushing. Brushing too often or too harshly can wear away enamel at the gum line, leading to receding gums.

What are symptoms?

  • Visual appearance of receding gum lines
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold foods because roots of teeth are exposed
  • Tooth feels notched at the gum line
  • Appears to be more space between the teeth
  • Initial stages: pink and scalloped around the teeth
  • More serious stages: bright pink or red color, softened gums, bleeding
  • Final stages: roots are visible, which can be extremely painful and cause severe bleeding


How to prevent receding gums?

Having an good understanding of the importance to good oral health is your first step to preventing receding gums. Being conscious and consistent with proper oral practice can help to avoid gum disease.

The team at Signal Hill Dental Centre is happy to share their knowledge about proper care with you, so we always welcome any questions you may have.

Is there treatment?

If you feel like you notice any of the above symptoms, come and see the team at Signal Hill Dental Centre. We will take a look to accurately diagnose your symptoms and work with you  ensure proper treatment. Severe cases of receding gums could lead to more drastic procedures, so come and talk to us if you notice any of the previous mentioned symptoms.

Read more about periodontal diseases here:

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