Risks of Over Brushing You Need to be Aware Of


Risks of Over Brushing You Need to be Aware Of

We all know brushing and flossing are important for our overall dental wellbeing. However, many people are surprised to learn that there is such a thing as too much brushing and being too vigorous with brushing and mouthwash use. This is true and is something that dentists and dental care teams warn their patients about, so we wanted to highlight a few of the risks that can come from overbrushing:

Experiencing Symptoms of Receding Gums

The biggest side effect to being a little too rough with the daily brushing is receding gums. When you scrub and brush too vigorously, it can actually damage the gums and pull them away from the base of the teeth. This can give bacteria access to the gums and teeth and can cause pain and swelling in the gums. Brushing gently with a soft bristle toothbrush is the best way to avoid damaging your gums.

Quickly Wearing Out Toothbrushes

People who brush too roughly day in and day out often find they are going through many toothbrushes. If you are wearing out your brushes in a matter of weeks, you may be brushing too hard or too often and may do better with a different brush. Soft bristle brushes are most recommended by dentists, and used gently for a little longer each time can keep teeth clean without damaging your gums or teeth. Water picks can also be a better option as well.

Suddenly Developing a Sore Mouth

Another risk for aggressive overbrushing is damage can be done to the mouth as a whole. Dental routines such as brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash can actually damage your gums, cheeks, and tongue when done incorrectly or too often. Using softer brushes, rinsing with water rather than brushing as often, and using a non-alcohol mouthwash can help protect your mouth without causing more damage.

To learn more about proper brushing routines and habits and how to balance dental care with healthy practices day in and day out, contact us today. Our dental care experts can help you find what needs to be tweaked and adjusted in your daily dental care routine. If you have major dental concerns, working closely with your dentists is the best way to protect your teeth and gums without causing more damage unintentionally with improper dental care routines and practices.