Taking Care of your Brush to Limit Spreading Germs

Taking Care of your Brush to Limit Spreading Germs

Although the benefits of tooth brushing far outweigh the risks, there are problems that improper brushing may cause. If a toothbrush is not properly rinsed after cleaning, it may become a future source of disease. Flu, trench mouth, herpes, and colds are but a few of the afflictions that a toothbrush may spread. Toothbrushes are commonly exposed in the most germ-infected area of the home, the bathroom.

Following these tips will limit the spread of bacteria and viruses by a toothbrush:

  • Choose clear or transparent toothbrushes over opaque ones that retain more bacteria
  • The fewer the bristles on a brush, the less likely bacteria will be trapped
  • Rinse your brush thoroughly after every use, and store in a dry place. Keeping the brush near a source of ultraviolet light also helps to kill bacteria
  • Change you toothbrush every few months. If you get sick, throw away your old toothbrush when you are well again.


Ideally a toothbrush should be stored outside the bathroom. If kept dry and in a plastic container, you will limit the chances of spreading germs. If you are interested to find further recommendations on a toothbrush suitable for you, contact your team at Signal Hill Dental Centre and they will be happy to help.