Things to Consider with Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening calgary dentistOver the past ten years, the concept of teeth whitening has grown into a rather robust industry. What was once a procedure held tight by dental offices alone is now available in most drug stores. This means that in modern day, we are looking at a rather overwhelming range of choices for making those pearly whites even whiter. So how do we know what direction to go in?

Teeth whitening typically involves some form of hydrogen peroxide – otherwise known as bleach. This method uses the chemical to remove stains, and to a certain extent dehydrate the tooth that it is work upon. The end result might be whiter looking teeth, but the peroxide and dehydration process can sometimes irritate the gums and make teeth sensitive. On this note, it is a fine balance to achieve the results you want without hurting your mouth.

Let’s explore some of the options that are out there.

Drug Store Options

These methods can come in a variety of different applications and therefore the results are varied as well. Gels and stripes work in the fashion of an application of a peroxide solution right to the tooth. Mouthwashes containing whitening agents are more of a quick application scenario. The products you buy in the drug store often have a very low concentration of peroxide which means that the outcome will be subtle and happen over a longer period of time. As a result, some people feel they need to keep up with their over-the-counter tooth whitening protocols for longer, costing them more in the long run.

There are methods you can purchase online that claim to deliver more of a result, be wary of these though! You never know what you are getting.

calgary dentist teeth whiteningDentist Office Methods

Trays are a common way to go if you are thinking of getting a treatment from the dentists office. A mould is made of your teeth and then custom trays are designed for you to wear with a whitening gel that you apply to the inside. The gel you get from the dentist is a higher concentration of peroxide, but the custom trays get better coverage and help to avoid getting the gums involved (minimizing the potential for sensitivity). The results take less time and are more noticeable than the drug store varieties.

Laser whitening is also becoming a popular dentist visit. This involves a peroxide application with laser treatment that enhances the results. While this can lead to more sensitivity, the results are often immediate and probably the most dramatic of all the options!

Bare in mind, the shade of white your teeth are has a lot to do with what you consume and genetics. So be realistic about your teeth whitening endeavours (especially if you aren’t willing to give up that coffee habit!)