Thumb Sucking puts Strain on Teeth and Palate

Thumb Sucking puts Strain on Teeth and Palate

Although many psychologists believe that thumb sucking may be normal, unfortunately it may lead to dental problems. These dental problems could arise if thumb sucking is continued for many years, especially after the age of seven when adult teeth begin to appear. The most common problem is protrusion of the upper front teeth. With constant pressure from the thumb, they may angle outward instead of growing straight down and may cause a change in appearance. Braces or orthodontic works are often needed to correct this.

A deeper or higher palate may be created by continual pressure from the thumb since bone is soft during the formative years. Breathing patterns may also be altered because of changes in the palate. Many mouth-breathing adults were thumb sucking children.

Thumb sucking may be a difficult habit to break. Parents should first try talking with the child. Help from dentists could also be assisted. If these attempts fail, you may consider trying a mouth appliance specially designed to prevent thumb sucking. Any loss in the child’s gratification from thumb sucking will be outweighed by the benefits of a healthier, more functional mouth. The team at Signal Hill Dental Centre would be happy to help or answer any further questions if you feel that your family needs further consultation.