Vaping and e-Cigs – How They Affect Your Oral Health

It is hardly surprising that with more and more people taking an interest in their appearance, oral health is now a top concern. Along with cigarette smoking, vaping and eCigs can impact on not only the appearance of teeth but oral hygiene itself. From an impact on taste to the more invasive effects of these habitual practices, those who choose to indulge in them need to pay particular attention to any changes in their oral health.

An on-going debate

While there have been plenty of documented evidence confirming the harmful effects that cigarettes have on oral hygiene, the same cannot be said for vaping and eCigs. Though many studies are still underway, many dental associations recognize that there is potentially an increase in oral health risks with both of these practices.

Vaping and eCigs as an alternative to smoking

The almost meteoric increase in the use of e-cigs and vaping is possibly due to the huge number of former cigarette smokers who have identified with these practices as a “healthier” alternative. Whether this is likely to prove the case in the light of further research and the on-going oral histories of dental patients using it, remains to be seen.


Many former smokers are claiming that since they switched to eCigs or vaping their teeth are whiter due to the absence of combusted nicotine entering the mouth. While there may be some truth in this, it has been noticed that vaping and eCigs (as with many other substances) will stain the teeth even if to a lesser degree. This makes regular oral check-ups and oral hygiene treatment just as important as it has always been, especially in the light of the fact that any harmful findings of recent studies have yet to be published.

Nicotine in eCigs and vaping fluids

Despite the absence of combustion when vaping or using eCigs nicotine is still present in the mouth, all be it in smaller concentrations than through cigarette smoking. The effects of both short and long-term nicotine build-up in the mouth are already well documented so early detection of any issues is obviously highly important. From teeth and gums to the tongue and the respiratory tract, nicotine has a reputation for inflicting serious and potentially life-threatening damage.

Oral health regimes, check-ups, and early detection

It is no secret that one of the first lines of defence against oral health issues is a regular and thorough personal oral health regime. Not only do such practices help to maintain healthy gums and teeth, it is also one of the first lines of defence in the early detection of any potentially serious issues. Individuals who use eCigs or vape should ensure that they act on the advice of their dentist in all aspects of oral health.

The same applies to ensure that a dentist or an oral health professional carries out regular oral health hygiene checks to enable early detection of any potential issues. Gums and teeth that are well maintained are far less likely to manifest problems than those that go unchecked.

If you want to know more about how vaping and eCigs are likely to impact on your oral health or you need any kind of dental care, you should contact one of the professional team at the Signal Hill Dental Centre now!