Why Drinking Water is Beneficial to Your Oral Health



We’ve heard it since we were kids, drinking water is healthy for our bodies. What you may not be familiar with is why drinking water is beneficial to our oral health. Water cleanses our mouths of any leftover food, eliminates the need for sugary drinks, helps prevent dry mouth and lastly, if the water supply is fluoridated, it can help prevent cavities.

Washes It All Down

Water washes down leftover food that may be stuck between teeth, as well as any residue. Water will also dilute acid that forms in your mouth. You’ll still need to brush your teeth twice a day, but sipping on water throughout the day will help you stay cavity-free.

It’s Not Sweetened

Pop, sports drinks, and any other sweetened beverage are one of the leading causes of tooth decay and cavities. Even 100% fruit juices such as orange juice can be damaging as the acid wear down tooth enamel. Drinking water is not only healthy for your body, but because it replaces these sugary drinks, your teeth will thank you. When choosing which beverage to go for, water is always your safest choice.

Prevents Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is an uncomfortable condition that can occur for a number of reasons. When experiencing dry mouth, saliva levels are low. Sipping water can increase saliva production which will combat dry mouth. Dry mouth can cause cavities as saliva keeps harmful germs in check. For a long term solution for dry mouth, consult with your dentist.

Prevents Tooth Decay

If your city’s water supply is fluoridated, drinking tap water can help prevent tooth decay. Fluoride strengthens your tooth enamel, and in turn, prevents cavities from developing. If your city’s water supply isn’t fluoridated, ask your dentist about other ways to treat your teeth with fluoride. Options include fluoridated toothpaste, or fluoride drops prescribed by your doctor.

There are many reasons why you should drink water throughout the day, and keeping your teeth healthy is one of them. If you have any questions about your oral health, your water intake, or anything else, please feel free to ask a member of the Signal Hill Dental Centre team. We are here to help.